log: n.1.原木,圆木,干材。2.测程仪,计程仪。3.航海日志,(飞行员用的)航海日志;旅行日记。4.〔英国〕裁缝店日工的工作时间表。5.【机械工程】记录表。短语和例子clear log干材。 heave [throw] the log用测程仪测船速。 sail by the log靠测程仪测船位航行。 a rough log航海日志草稿。 a smooth log誊清的航海日
You are redirected to the members . aspx page because the user name you are logged in as has been authorized to access the page 您将被重定向到members . aspx页,因为登录使用的用户名已被授权访问该页。
To each and every prompt and then for the passphrase you have a decision you need to make ssh - user - config generates a number of files in the . ssh directory for the user you are logged in as 接下来,我们将探讨这些规范中的每一个尤其是ws - security规范将如何提供那些提供acmepartswe - r - hr . com解决方案所需的安全性模型所必需的功能。